Sunday, February 25, 2007

The Oscars are tonight!

The Lil' Golden Dude As I write this, it dawns on me just how many things Giliane & I actually bet on. :)

Yep, you guessed it. We bet to see who will win an Oscar. We always print out two Oscar ballots and then fill in who we think will win. I'm predicting I'll kick Giliane's butt by at least 4.

How many people actually watch all of these movies? There are plenty of movies on this ballot that, quite frankly, I've never heard of. We've only seen one movie that was nominated for Best Picture: Little Miss Sunshine. Weird movie. Hope that doesn't win it.

I actually like watching the Oscars, but to tell the truth, I couldn't give a fig about what everyone is wearing. I think Giliane likes watching the stars arrive to see who's wearing what. You know, I probably wouldn't mind it too much only I HATE Joan Rivers. Her daughter, too, although the daughter isn't nearly as obnoxious as the mother. Who am I kidding? All the interviewers are annoying as... But I digress.

So order some takeout, turn off the cells, step away from the computers. Grab your significant other, print out the Oscar ballots, and have fun tonight! And don't forget to root for Jeff!!!!!


Blogger Jeff & Gilly said...

It's official, sports fans.

I lost. Miserably. I haven't lost this bad since 2001, I believe.

She won by 7!!! Know what this means? Yep, I suck.

February 25, 2007 10:26 PM  

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